
Aug 31, 2017
The Roof That Never Ends
Last Tuesday we finished up the electrical wiring that had to be done before finishing the roof. We had to run wires for the kitchen,...

Aug 22, 2017
Well That Didn't Work!
In keeping with the spirit of this family friendly blog, I'm going to leave out the curse words that describe the cluster that was...

Aug 17, 2017
Finished The First Layer of the Roof
Yesterday, I transported the rest of the tongue and groove pine boards up to the cabin site. It took me about 6 hours to complete and I...

Aug 13, 2017
Last of the Rafters, Porch Beams, Wiring & Roof Stuff
It's been almost a week since our last post and we've certainly been busy! On Tuesday, we were able to finish up the rafters in the...

Aug 6, 2017
Rafters, Rafters and More Rafters
The last few days have consisted of cutting and erecting the rafters. It's a very time consuming process, but we are slowly getting it...

Aug 3, 2017
First of the Rafters
Now that the ridge pole is in place, Christy and I were able to cut and install a few of the rafters. The tricky part was cutting the...

Aug 2, 2017
Installing the Ridge Pole
On Monday, I finished the second half of the loft flooring. I was up at the cabin for about 6 hours working on the loft. Not much to say...