
Jun 30, 2017
Trespassers Beware!
We're having issues with our remote trail camera right now; it stopped transmitting pictures back to our computers at home. So Bob took...

Jun 29, 2017
First Pallet Done! Footing Issues, Visitors & Water
We've been working these last few weeks trying to get all of the piers up to support the cabin. Out of 24 total, we have 15 of them...

Jun 18, 2017
There's That Darn Ledge
What does my husband want to do on Father's Day? Work of course! What fun would it be if we just had brunch and stayed in sweats all...

Jun 11, 2017
Mix, Pour, Level, Repeat...
A week after we poured the first few footings, the guys attached the posts to them. There were several measurements taken according to...

Jun 8, 2017
First Cabin Supply Load
Bringing the first load of pillars up to the cabin site proved to be quite the challenge. The trailer that BJ and I built held up quite...

Jun 4, 2017
The First Footing
Bob and BJ have been busy measuring and lining everything up to start pouring the footings. The first one they dug with the tractor auger...

Jun 3, 2017
A Few Challenges
Things have been moving right along! We don't expect a quick project, all we hope for every time we go up is to make progress. Even if...