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New Year & Winter Snowshoe Travels

Happy New Year!! It was a year and a week ago (Jan. 2, 2017) that we first decided to snowshoe up to the Bristol property to inspect the proposed cabin site and clean off the new shed roof. We didn't have a cabin built then, but still our hearts were filled with the satisfaction of exploring the land that we worked so hard for. We talked of new beginnings and hopes of bringing our dream to life that spring. This year, we took the same journey with so much more to look forward to!

The class 6 road turns into a snowmobile corridor during the winter so there's no way to take a vehicle up to our property. We didn't bring a snowmobile, so we snowshoed the entire way up again. It was a bit of a chilly start and we had to persevere to work hard traveling up the mountain to get to the cabin. The road part was nice and flat from the snowmobiles, but once we hit our driveway we had to trudge up hill through knee deep snow. We almost turned around at one point because we were getting tired. But we knew the cabin was there, waiting for us!

Like a new beginning or choice in life, there are trials and hardship and you may want to just give up. Some parts come easily and others seem almost impossible. I tend to want to get into my safe spot and stay comfortable. Bob is much more outgoing and is always taking on new ventures...I am much more conservative than he is when it comes to taking chances. This whole project was a huge step for me. My comfort zone was crying out and I had to calm myself down many times throughout the process!

Last year heading up, we knew there wasn't anything up there but we held onto our faith that there was something better expected for us. The cabin WAS going to be there eventually! We didn't give up! We couldn't see it, and we didn't know when or sometimes how it was going to get done, but we knew and trusted what was in store. The cabin is there now, but it isn't probably won't be completely done for years. But if we didn't take those first steps and have faith in God then we wouldn't be where we are now. Working together and cheering each other on has seriously been one of the best parts of this whole process! It was a test on our marriage and our faith and I think we kicked some serious butt.

It's never too late for a fresh start because God's mercies are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23)


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