Hello Autumn!
My favorite color is October. I love fall and everything that comes with it. Pumpkin everything, warm socks, nail-biting scary movies, beautiful foliage, crisp days drinking warm tasty beverages. The colorful scene right between the hot misery of humid summer days and the deathly frigid dreary days of winter. This spring was spent finishing up the bathroom, sealing the wood and furnishing the inside. Then we actually got to enjoy the cabin this summer and stay overnight. We had to learn how to relax since all we ever do is stay busy! I organized the photos in sections below so you can see our progress.
Bedroom and Bathroom Doors (middle of May)
Sealing the Interior Wood (end of May)
We had to apply a poly sealer to every. single. piece. of. wood. before we furnished it. It took days and my right bicep is now twice as large as my left.
Moving the Furniture In (end of May)
We had to park the trailer off the class 6 road and transport all of the furniture and mattresses up. We used the custom quad trailer and our son's pick up to get it all up to the cabin. Thanks BJ! For those interested, we bought all the furniture from Ippolito's in Meredith, NH. The wood came from dead-standing aspen in the Rocky Mountains.
Relaxing with Some Work Thrown In (June/July)
Bathroom (end of June/July)
Family Camping Trip (August)
We normally go on a multiple family camping trip every year with Bob's family and this year we hosted it! We had about two weeks to get things ready and create a campsite for everyone to fit. Bob cleared a large area with the tractor and covered it with a huge tarp. Building an outhouse was a must since we don't have the facilities in the cabin for a large group of people. A teepee, tree swing, hammock, camp fire pit, horseshoe pits and two picnic tables later and we were ready to go! Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and we had three straight days of rain when everyone was here. But we still had fun!