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Last of the Rafters, Porch Beams, Wiring & Roof Stuff

It's been almost a week since our last post and we've certainly been busy! On Tuesday, we were able to finish up the rafters in the house, but we still had the ones above the porch and two on the backside of the house to do. Before we could get to the ones above the porch, Bob had to build up some of the front porch posts as well as two cross support beams. The support beams run from the side of the house to the front of the porch. He had to cut out a section of the side of the house and chisel out the wood to be able to accommodate the 4x6 support beam. He then had to build some more staging above the porch so he could reach the ridge beam and install the rest of the rafters.

Wednesday I had to bring our daughter Katelyn to her college orientation, so Bob was on his own. He purchased a safety harness at Home Depot that morning and was off to work! Even though it was a bit sketchy trying to work so high off the ground, he was still able to get quite a bit done. To my surprise, he finished all 10 of the rest of the rafters by himself!

Thursday was my birthday so we took a day off to enjoy the nice weather! Friday we were back at it and spent the day trying to figure out where we wanted outlets and lighting so we could start wiring. We won't be running electric from the road since we're too far away, but we'll have a generator to hook up to the breaker box and then eventually solar power. In any case, the wires need to be run before the walls and roof are finished because they can't go in later!

To be able to go any further with the roof, we needed the 1" tongue and groove pine roof boards. So Bob and BJ spent all day Saturday transporting up one load of them. Our plan was to bring up the rest of them today, but on the way Bob's truck started having issues, so we turned around and brought the loaded trailer back to the car lot to have the truck looked at this week. Instead, we headed up to use what was there and get started on the roof. Bob, BJ and I were able to get six rows of boards finished. We're pretty happy with the result so far!


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