Trespassers Beware!
We're having issues with our remote trail camera right now; it stopped transmitting pictures back to our computers at home. So Bob took it down to try and figure it out. In the meantime, according to a footprint that the guys found, a monkey decided to visit our cabin site!
Bob thought it was odd that someone would walk around barefoot on our property, but then remembered coming across a woman walking her dog on the class 6 road wearing those weird glove type rubber shoes. You know, the ones where your toes are all separated like they're wearing gloves? I'm sure they're super comfortable, but they look ridiculous.
That lady decided to just walk right past all of our no trespassing signs and travel the quarter mile up our drive way to our cabin site! Maybe she's been walking our land for years....but we're a bit leery of any trespasser since we had 3 trail cameras stolen last summer. It's too bad that one bad egg spoils the batch! We can't be too careful since we have our cabin supplies and tools to look out for. I told Bob we should get some of those redneck gun signs and put them all over. We settled for a camera surveillance sign instead to deter unwanted trespassers. Now to get the camera back up there....