First Pallet Done! Footing Issues, Visitors & Water
We've been working these last few weeks trying to get all of the piers up to support the cabin. Out of 24 total, we have 15 of them poured; 9 of them with posts attached.
Looking at it today, we decided that they were a bit too tall, so to Bob's dismay, we decided to trim them down by a foot! That meant we had to level them all to be even with each other and some had to be cut in place since they were already secured. It wasn't easy since they are six inch thick posts and measurements matter! Bob decided the easiest way was to cut each of the sides with a cordless Skil saw and then cut the rest of the middle with the sawzall. It worked okay enough, but we may have to get a belt sander to smooth the edge later though. The picture with Bob and the posts is a before picture with the taller posts and following is the after picture with the new height. We still have four more to trim.
We finished bringing up the rest of the first pallet of supplies today! Yay us! A whole bunch more to go.
Bob's sister Jessica also came up from Pennsylvania for our daughter's graduation and helped out a bit one day. That's her doing something with the blue bucket. Scooping water for the concrete mixer I think. I wasn't there that day, because I was too busy planning a party for 75 people. She and her husband, Josh, should be coming up this weekend to help again and I'll post more pictures then.
I also included a photo of our rainwater catch system at the cabin site. It's just a tarp attached to trees draining into a pvc setup, that filters and empties into the container. There's a turn spout on the bottom to get the water out. Right now it's empty since we've used all of the water. We have another one set up with water in it a 5 minute walk away, so we've been using buckets to transport the water back to the site.