
Oct 17, 2018
Final Cabin Photos
We'll always be doing something to improve and add to the cabin and property. We still intend to add a railing to the loft, as well as...

Oct 17, 2018
Hello Autumn!
My favorite color is October. I love fall and everything that comes with it. Pumpkin everything, warm socks, nail-biting scary movies,...

May 12, 2018
One Step Closer To Solar Power & Other Stuff
So I should have already done a few blog posts by now since we've been at it for a while, but I got lazy! Took me a bit to shake off the...

Jan 10, 2018
New Year & Winter Snowshoe Travels
Happy New Year!! It was a year and a week ago (Jan. 2, 2017) that we first decided to snowshoe up to the Bristol property to inspect the...

Oct 31, 2017
Sealing the Floors & Hunting
It's taken several weeks to complete applying polyurethane to the pine floors. We first had to purchase an orbital sander and a shop vac...

Oct 2, 2017
Floors Installed & Log Stain Prep
It's been two weeks since our last blog post, but we've decided to take a bit of a break since the cabin is 'snow ready' and water tight....

Sep 24, 2017
Walls, Floors & First Overnight
On Tuesday, Bob and I finished the walls inside the right bedroom and the outside of both bedrooms and the bathroom. They're all...

Sep 18, 2017
Interior Walls Going Up
Our next step was to start the interior walls, but on Friday we had some rain and decided not to go up. Since our boards are stored...