Walls, Floors & First Overnight
On Tuesday, Bob and I finished the walls inside the right bedroom and the outside of both bedrooms and the bathroom. They're all enclosed, we just have to build the doors for them. On Wednesday, my mom was kind enough to offer her services and lend us a hand. She and I had a fun learning experience and tackled the floor in the left bedroom. She was a great help and even tried out the nail gun and the radial arm saw! We make a great team...thanks mom! While we were busy with that, Bob got back up on the roof to add some more trim pieces and also added trim to the rest of the windows outside.
Friday, Bob and I knocked out the right bedroom floor and started on the main living area. He also installed a last minute light in the hallway area. So far, so good! We didn't go up on Saturday morning, but around 4:30 that afternoon I got the bright idea that we should head up and stay overnight for the first time. We grabbed the necessities....the air mattress, pizza, beer and TV. No one ever said we were going to rough it with this cabin! Bob's brother Joe, his wife Ashley and their girls came up for a nice quick visit. We watched the sun go down over Mt. Cardigan and Bob and I settled in for the night. We should have been more careful keeping the doors closed because there were bugs everywhere! We went to bed early just to turn out the lights and end the bug annoyance. Waking up to the sun stretching out over Newfound Lake was so beautiful and peaceful. Times like this really make us feel so grateful for all the blessings in our life!