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A Birthday Celebration and More Loft Joists

Sunday we took a break from the cabin and headed to Hampton Beach for the night. BJ's 17th birthday was Monday, so we wanted to do something to celebrate. We spent the day at the beach and ate at a Japanese Steak House for dinner. After dinner, we played some mini golf and ate some ice cream. We all had a great time!

Today was all about loft joists. My goal was to get the rest of them cut and in place. I had to transport 6 more beams up from the car lot this morning. Once I got up to the site, I focused on getting the joists installed. It wasn't very difficult, just a little time consuming. BJ met me up there in the afternoon and helped me out. When we finished the loft joists, we framed in small box frames between the joists. These frames give us something to attached the pine boards to when finishing the walls. Next, we installed the very first row of logs for the roof gables.


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