Stackin' & Hackin'
It's been a few days since I posted. We have made a small amount of progress each day, but due to the heat (upper 80s to lower 90s & high humidity) and some other small issues that we have run into, we have cut the last few days shorter than normal. Also, BJ and I had to disassemble and adjust a few logs due to the fact that one of our walls was leaning outward and our measurement was off by about 7/8" from one wall to the next. We were able to make the adjustments and were able to move forward.
At this point, we have 12 rows of logs installed and the next step is to start installing the loft joists. Before we can do that, we need to frame the interior walls that the loft joists will sit on top of. Christy and I have been studying the building plans and trying to decipher everything before we move on to the next step. At this point, we're pretty clear on what to do next.
Tomorrow morning, first order of business is to transport a car trailer full of lumber up to the cabin site. The trailer is already loaded up and ready to go. We can only drive the trailer part way up the Class VI road. We will have to unload at a clearing and load up the smaller (homemade) trailer that we tow behind the quad. Once that is loaded, we will make that 8 minute trip up to the cabin site. There we will have to off load and stack everything and then head back down for another load. It's going to be a lot of work transporting all of that lumber in the heat and humidity tomorrow, but we will manage!