The Walls are Going Up!
Well... Between Saturday and today, we have made a pretty good amount of progress. The walls are now taller than any of us and we need to use ladders and step ladders to be able to continue working. Today, I had to cut a few branches, from a large pine, that were getting in the way of the back corner wall. Christy's grandparents (Roland and Gloria) came up to visit today. Gloria was not very impressed with the Class VI road. It was a little to bumpy for her. She wasn't too keen on the Side by Side either, but we managed to get her to the cabin site. We have about 4 more rows of logs until we reach full height on the sides. Soon, I need to start looking at the plans for the loft supports. It's been fairly hot and muggy the last few days with little to no breeze. Makes for some good times and soggy clothes. Tomorrow, the plan is to bring up the rest of the logs from Rows L, M, N and O. After that, we start the pre-cut angled logs that will form the roof up to the peak. Thanks to Grammy and Grampa for coming up to hang out with us today! We had a great time!
If anyone has any questions that they would like to ask us, don't hesitate to leave a message/question below!
Also, there are 2 picture galleries below... I can only fit 20 pictures per gallery, so be sure to flip through each gallery!
Gallery 1
Gallery 2