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Yesterday the Porch, Today the First Row of Logs

On Monday, Christy and I transported and installed all of the floor joists for the porch/deck. While Christy was cutting each joist to the correct size, I began installing them using joist hangers. Once all of the boards were cut, Christy helped me install them and the process went much quicker!

Yesterday, BJ and I brought all of the decking boards up and we were able to complete the deck. This gives us a little more room to store logs... so naturally, we transported another truckload up to the cabin today. When we got there, we took a trailer load of logs to the top and stacked & sorted them on the deck. Once we were finished with the first load, we arranged all of the "A" row logs and prepared to lay the first/bottom row of logs. With this first row, it was critical to be sure to get everything laid out correctly so that the rest of the cabin will go together smoothly (and straight). We spent a lot of time measuring and re-measuring, but I am confident that we have it very square. Tomorrow we should be starting on the "B" row of logs. I can't wait to see it once the walls start rising.

One thing we did realize, is that we are going to need to build some steps to get up into the cabin, because now that the walls are going up, there is only on way to get in... through the door!


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