Squaring up the Floor Frame and Building the Girder!
Today was a productive day. First thing this morning, I loaded the truck up with a bit more lumber to bring up to the cabin. Next, Christy and I went to Home Depot to get some supplies and a bit more lumber, before heading up to the property. Once there, we finished the floor frame so that we could measure for squareness. After realizing yesterday, that we were not using the tape measure correctly, we were hoping that our pillars were not too far off! Once we squared up the frame, we screwed 2x4s into place on each corner to hold the frame square. Then we started making our way around the perimeter and adjusting the pillars to be in line with the frame. Luckily, none of them were very far off, so they all still landed on the footings without any problem. Once we were finished with the pillars, it was time to build the center girder and pillars. This only took us a few hours! We called it a day at 5pm and headed home.