Welcome Tenley Family... Let's Build a Floor!
So my sister Jessica, her husband Josh and their little clan of beautiful girls came to visit us this weekend. Jessica and the girls were here last weekend (from Pennsylvania) for our daughter Katelyn's graduation party. When Jessica got home and told Josh about our cabin, he was bummed that he had missed it... So they decided to come back to NH for the holiday week! Before they showed up, we installed the remaining pillars around the outside of the cabin. We couldn't install the center pillars, because the concrete footings had not yet cured completely.
Once they arrived, Jessica helped a lot with the box frame of the cabin floor, while Josh entertained the girls (and himself) riding the quad all around the property. The floor frame was coming along nicely until it wasn't! After some perplexing moments trying to figure out why some of our measurements were consistently off by about and inch and a half, we realized that one of our tape measures was wrong! Well, to be honest, we were just using it incorrectly. I know... Who doesn't know how to use a tape measure? Well, hear me out! We were using a 100 ft tape measure with a big loop at that end... Apparently, the loop is part of the tape and not intended to hook over the side of the board (like I was doing!) Once we figured out what was going on, we were on a roll! You can see the pictures below! Thanks to Jess and Josh for all of their help today. It's always great to see you guys! We had some good laughs about the tape measure!