Thieves and a New Shed
For most of the summer, Bob and BJ took on the long process of clearing a rough driveway with the tractor, as well as clean up at the cabin site which lasted well into October.
We were upset and pretty ticked to find out that someone came on to the property at some point in August and stole all 3 of our trail cameras. We know from months previous that there were people that walked their dogs and some hunters that occasionally came by the cameras. Unfortunately, the cameras weren't remote to send information to us at home, so any pictures of the thief went with the cameras! We set up some posted signs and upgraded to a better camera that allows us to view pictures from our phone or computer every time movement sets it off. So far all we've seen are deer and a few other animals. No other humans! :)
We keep accumulating supplies each time we go up, so we figured it was time for a storage shed that we can keep things dry and safe. It gets hard making several trips up and down the steep hill carrying our chainsaws and whatever else we might need. Bob and I bought an 8'x10' metal shed, attached it to the tractor and brought it up to the cabin site. Took us about two days and 10 hours to finish....of course it would have been quicker if we had brought all the right tools with us and had more light!
The winter pictures are from when Bob and I snowshoed up in January to check things out. There's no way to get a car up there that time of year. It was exhausting, but a great work out. We had gotten quite a bit of snow and wanted to make sure it wasn't too heavy on the shed roof.